- English
- 日本語
About us
The Society offers brewers information on brewing technology through research and investigation in addition to presiding over the “Nippon Jōzō Gakkai”, conference as well as educating brewers in technical skills.
The purpose of the Society is to deepen the understanding of brewing among the Japanese people by performing the duties stated above and is to contribute to the formation of their rich food culture.
The Brewing Society of Japan was established in 1906 and was authorized as an incorporated foundation in 1915.
Thereafter, for 85 years, the society has supported the progress and development of Japanese brewers by supplying pure yeast cultures, publishing books on brewing and performed other related duties.
By the administrative system revision of our country, the Japanese Government authorized the Society as an organization to perform business with more widespread public interest as an incorporated foundation. Therefore we registered our Society as new “Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Brewing Society of Japan” on September 1, 2011 and made a fresh start.
Introductory Sake Brewing Seminar
This online course is suitable for beginners of sake brewing. The course contains the following contents:
- Basics of sake brewing
- Brewing sake: Part I
- Brewing sake: Part I I
- Handling of sake yeast and its effects on the characteristics of sake
- Microbial control in the brewing process and final product
- Component analysis of sake
- Tasting of sake
- Special lecture
Important Notes
- This seminar is written with the context of sake brewing in Japan. If you are brewing sake in a location outside of Japan, pleasecomply with the local laws and regulations.
- The products discussed in the seminar aremainly those sold in Japan. Please note that they may not be available overseas.
For Overseas Liquor Producers Desiring to Purchase Sake Yeast
In accordance with the Japanese laws for liquor production, the Brewing Society of Japan has implemented the domestic distribution of sake yeasts to breweries and distilleries on condition that they maintain the standards for liquor production licensing. Owing to the increase in overseas liquor production sites and the demand for yeast distribution, the association is now distributing yeasts for alcohol production to overseas liquor production sites through the respective agents listed below or other domestic retailers.
1 Yeasts available for distribution
Sake yeast: Kyokai No.701, Kyokai No.901
Shochu yeast: Kyokai S-2
All are active dry yeasts.
2 Conditions for distribution
(1) Hold licenses of their respective country for the production of alcoholic drinks (Note: As production licenses for types of alcoholic drinks differ in aspect by country, any comparable level of licensing will be permitted)
(2) Submit a description of the desired strain of yeast, amount, proposed use, and quantity of product to be produced with that strain
(3) Be a corporate member of the Brewing Society of Japan (Application form found here)
(4) Submit a description of the Company
Distribution will be implemented following a favorable evaluation of the contents of documents submitted for(1)-(4)
Please contact the agents or distributors before ordering.
3 Caution:
The purchased yeast may not be used for any purpose other than that submitted. Also, even if there is a necessity to transfer the yeast, etc. it cannot be subdivided or sold. Furthermore, the yeast strain is forbidden to be cultivated for the purpose of retailing.
4 Agents
The Brewing Society of Japan has appointed the company listed below to handle purchases. Purchases of the Kyokai yeast can be requested to:
1-1-29,Yasunaka-cho, Yao, Osaka 581-0085 Japan
Iida Trading Co., Ltd.
Trading Team : [email protected]
Name | Public interest incorporated foundation The Brewing Society of Japan |
Address | 2-6-30, Takinogawa, Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 114-0023 |
TEL | 03-3910-3853 |
FAX | 03-3910-3748 |
Access Map

By JR Keihin-tōhōku line from JR Ōji station, North exit 7-8 minutes on foot. If exiting from Central exit or South exit, there is a considerable detour.
By Tokyo Metro Nanboku line from No.3 exit of Ōji st. 10 minutes on foot.
To JR Ōji st. by JR Keihin-tōhōku line, from JR Tōkyō st.,14 (Rapid service)- 20 minutes;
from Tokyo International Air port (Haneda), via Hamamatsuchō st., 45-50 minutes;
from JR Ueno st., 9-11 minutes; from JR Ōmiya st., ca. 30 minutes.

1. This is the ticket gate at the north exit of Oji Station on the JR Keihin Tohoku Line. (There are North, Central and South exits, but please be sure to use the North exit ticket gate.

2. After exiting the north exit, walk to the left. At the end of the street, turn left again.

3. Walk in a straight line to the end of the line.

4. Turn right at the end of the street and go up the hill.

5. When you finish climbing the hill, cross the pedestrian crossing and walk straight ahead.

6. Keep walking and you will see the entrance of the park, so keep walking straight.

7. There is a fence on the left side of the house. Free-opening doors are available.Please enter from there.

8. This is the entrance to the office.

9. Go straight to the left of the association hall and you will find the red brick brewery. Turn right along the fence on the right and walk straight ahead to the end of the building, which is the red brick entrance.

1. Research and technological development on brewing
We investigate the characteristics of brewing microbes to maintain their own natures, the analytical methods of brewing products, and manufactural process controls.
2. To help our members through their brewing studies, technological evelopments, and promote their practical use.
1) Through the scientific conference “Nippon JM zM Gakkai”, we provide our member researchers and technicians a forum to present and announce their achievements and discuss these.
2) We offer advice on technical problems of brewers and reply to the consultative questions on brewing from anyone. Moreover, we accept the analysis or sensible evaluation of brewing products and offer necessary materials or information for them. (Charging a fee in some cases)
3) We hold the following seminar which serves in the education of brew masters and coworker technicians. The general public is also invited to attend. In these seminars, we confer an attendance certificate on students who attend the sake brewing beginners’ seminar or the practical sake tasting training course. Furthermore, we confer a title of “Master (Mistress) of Sake Tasting” on the student who obtains results that are higher than a constant standard in the course, and also confer a memorial plaque for particular excellence.
[1] Sake Brewing Technology, [2] Sake Brewing Beginners’ Seminar, [3] Sake Brewing Seminar for Ladies, [4] Sake Brewers Management, [5] Enology and Wine, [6] Fermentation Seasoning Food, [7] Practical Sake Tasting Training Course, [8] Seminar for Sake Brewmasters, [9] ShM chk Conference, and [10] Sake and Craft Beer Technology.
4) We offer many courses on brewing in Web-learning. Participants can study the courses referring to the textbook using a PC anytime and anywhere.
5) We have a training system for the person who wants to learn a brewing technology systematically by studying for a certain period of time.
3. To collect and stock the genetic resources of microorganisms and to distribute them.
We collect microorganisms as genetic resources from Japan or in foreign countries and elucidate their taxonomical and brewing properties and stock them. We also distribute the strains which can be used in brewing.
The microorganisms which we distribute now are as follows. These may be provided in a study purpose other than brewers to the domestic research institute and university.
1) Kyokai Sake yeast
Foam forming strains: K-6, K-7, K-9, K-10, K-11, and K-14.
Non-foam forming strains: K-601, K-701, K-901, K-1001,
K-1401, K-1501, K-1601, K-1701, K-1801, K-1901, and KT-901.
Dry Sake yeast: K-701, and K-901.
Miscellaneous: High malic acid acid forming strain (No.28, No.77)
Urea non-forming strain (KArg-701, KArg-901), and Red colored strain.
2) Kyokai Shochu yeast S-2, S-3, S-4 and Dry ShM chk yeast (S-2).
3) Kyokai Wine yeast W-1, W-3, and W-4.
4) Kyokai Persimmon yeast (For deodorization of persimmon tannin juice.)
Manufacturing process of the ampoule bottling yeast
[1] The yeast is cultured in a 200-300L vessel.
[2] Yeast cells are harvested and washed with sterilized water to remove the medium.
→ After strict quality checks, the cells go to a bottling process [3].
[3] Yeast cells are bottled to an ampoule and heat sealed.
[4] Labelling is the last process for the completed product. Procedures [2] and [3] are performed in a sterile room.
4. Honoring brewing researchers and skilled technicians
We recognize achievements in brewing research, investigation, and technical developments, and we also honor the skilled technicians for the purpose of further improvement of their technics and succession of skills.
(1) ItM Yasuhei Prize, (2) Technical Prize, (3) Achievement Prize, and a prize of encouragement for younger scientists of The Scientific Conference of Brewing Society of Japan, (4) Prize for Skilled Technician of Brewing.
5. Issue of a bulletin and books about brewing Issued books
01)Sake brewing technology
02)The latest sake brewing mannual
03)Introduction of sake brewing
04)Basic technique of storage and shipment managements of sake
05)How to brew ginjo-shu and to use yeasts
06)Traditional shM chk making technology
07)The science of kM ji
08)Molecular biology of kM ji fungi
09)Explanatory book of the official methods of analysis by National Tax Agency
10)The science and technology of soy sauce
11)The manufacture and technology of miso
12)Q&A on sake treating materials
13)The textbook of sake brewing
14)The training book of sake brewing
15)The chemical components of brewing products and their manufacturing process)
16)Analytical methods of beer by BCOJ
17)The methods of microbial analysis of beer by BCOJ
18)The methods of tasting beer by BCOJ
19)Fundamental technology of beer brewing
20)English-German-Japanese Brewers’ Dictionary
21)Physiological functionality of brewing products
22-23) The studies of sake yeast, the achievements of 1980s and 1990s)
24) SAKE
6. Sale of Sake Treating Materials
We sell the following supplies to use for the detection of microbial contaminants, for storage control and for shipment management on the sake brewing.
01)A clarifying agent, Clarin S
02)A nutrient medium for the detection of lactic acid bacteria harming sake and the liquid nutrient medium which has been prepared
03)A liquid nutrient medium for detecting the acid forming bacteria
04)A nutrient medium for the detection of K-7 sake yeast
05)A nutrient medium for the detection of pure sake yeasts
06)The color reagent for judging the state of rice polishing
07)Tryptophan melanoidin: a reagent for the detection of decoloration ability of activated carbon
7. Inspection of the standard norm of sake treating materials.
8. Requested research and analysis
Publication of The Journal of Brewing Society of Japan
The Journal of Brewing Society of Japan (J. of Brew. Soc. Japan) is a monthly bulletin of the Society. This journal has continued to be published since the establishment (1906) of our society without suspending publication, even in times when paper was a valuable commodity during wartime and the postwar period.
The journal “Jōzō-kyōkai-zasshi” (vol.1-9) changed its name to “Nippon Jōzō-kyōkai-zasshi” (vol.10-82) and “Nippon Jōzō-kyōkai-shi” (vol.83-present) respectively.
The articles have always attracted the attention of people who have interest in brewing technology since the publication of the periodical and continue being essential sources of information.
Since 1987, original scientific reports have been examined and authorized by scientists and published.
All articles of the journals (except for some of those such as advertisements) have been computerized and anyone who accesses Journal@rchive. can read the articles from vol. 1 to those of 1 year ago.